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Friday, 8 July 2016

Different nutrition for workout by different people. see the one that fits you

286 comments sorted by  


ilikehexagons via iPhone811 points : 16 replies : 15 hours ago reply
I'm a xenomorph. My acid-resistant exoskeleton keeps me looking sleek and trim. I get most of my exercise defending the hive.

PureEss via Android189 points : 20 replies : 16 hours ago reply
Or. Find your tdee. Eat 500 less calories to lose, 500 more to bulk. pick ANY workout program, stick to it for 12-16 weeks religiously.

CipherTheTerminator 211 points : 8 replies : 16 hours ago reply
The whole "eat for your body type" is a total crock of shit.

AgentA78 via iPhone71 points : 2 replies : 16 hours ago reply
How about just eat right and get regular exercise? Fuck all this BS

RoosesPooces 136 points : 8 replies : 15 hours ago reply
On a scale of one to Donald Trump, how much bullshit is being spread here?

marszlrs 30 points : 2 replies : 12 hours ago reply
so much bullsh!t

ihavenofilter via Android27 points : 1 reply : 12 hours ago reply
I identify as an Animorph.

Merjia via Android21 points : 1 reply : 15 hours ago reply
UPVOTING for misinformation

IamTheAvocado 16 points : 12 hours ago reply
Hey @OP, your first image is a crock of pseudoscientific bullshit.

MadMupp via Android11 points : 12 hours ago reply
Wheres the fatassomorph? How can I start without my body type

theflyingnun 10 points : 4 replies : 12 hours ago reply
Why does it say that women are supposed to eat almost exactly half as much as what men are supposed to eat?

arizonasecrets via Android6 points : 1 reply : 12 hours ago reply
I'm an Ecto-Cooler. As in, my body is upwards of 70% Hi-C Slimer Citrus.

CalBonesawUK 5 points : 1 reply : 8 hours ago reply
This is all bullshit. Body type diets and training are not relevant. Workout for TDEE and from there either eat in a surplus or deficit.

SpacemanSpiff1000 5 points : 11 hours ago reply thats not a picture of scrambled eggs

dracomageat 5 points : 1 reply : 16 hours ago reply
I'm an omnimorph. I eat what I want when I want and maintain a good level of neither fat nor thin but decent musculature underneath.

bendoverandbraceyourself 4 points : 8 hours ago reply

Luunatic via iPhone4 points : 11 hours ago reply
I'm a Potatomorph

InaraSerra 3 points : 10 hours ago reply
*sticks thumb in cake* I get two thumb fulls of this. Happy Birthday jeneane.

SuperKingTheBest1ofthe3 3 points : 1 reply : 10 hours ago reply
Why would someone take the time to make a complex graphic of these lies?

Foreskindisabled via Android3 points : 11 hours ago reply
You do not need BCAAs for fat loss. Lots of this is untrue.

Jawsers via Android3 points : 11 hours ago reply
Good to see the metabolism myth is alive and well.

ElBeardo2525 via iPhone3 points : 13 hours ago reply
I'm a morphomorph, morph morph morph!

DownvoteMeMore via iPhone3 points : 1 reply : 14 hours ago reply
I like how it says "protein bar" but shows nuts

Hyero 2 points : 2 hours ago reply
You're an ectomorph? Well I'm a vegan crossfitter.

Phenome 2 points : 2 hours ago reply
Fast and slow metabolisms is a myth. There can be a difference, but its so small and so rare, its almost never the cause of obesity.

bonbondon 2 points : 2 hours ago reply
Can we all just agree that this body-type stuff is utter bullshit?

IsThisHowIUsername 2 points : 3 hours ago reply
What the heck is BCAA or P+C srsly.

littledixon94 via Android2 points : 8 hours ago reply
Is it bad that I never read these health things and skip straight to the comments?

AlienPumaSpaceTrain via Android2 points : 1 reply : 9 hours ago reply
"Fist of vegetables," "thumb" of food? Who's thinking up these units of measure?

Artio via Android2 points : 1 reply : 9 hours ago reply
What's BCAA?

Pestilence11 via Android2 points : 3 replies : 10 hours ago reply
Reading and working out according to body type is ridiculous.

shineplasma via Android2 points : 10 hours ago reply
As a 6' 4" ectomorph: These people have no fucking how big my hands are.

dikdikdikdikdik via Android2 points : 10 hours ago reply
Apart from the tasty recipes, HELLNAW

babysaidmaybe 2 points : 12 hours ago reply
I'm a fat piece of shit...

QuiteADapperAsshole via Android1 point : 13 hours ago reply
Knowing I can portion food by hand size is oddly uplifting for me.

dartguy81 1 point : 3 replies : 16 hours ago reply
I dont like veggies....cant afford organic.... and I dont cook. My diet will always be shit.

Cashten via Android1 point : 24 minutes ago reply
200 calories before the gym? Yeah, not likely. I would crash after 20 min.

AlexLeeDee 1 point : 25 minutes ago reply
So much bullshit, but it's presented nicely so it'll go to the frontpage.

sarootss via iPhone1 point : 34 minutes ago reply

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