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Friday, 23 December 2016

Just Avenues for that extra cash

In the days like this one we are in, God have always proven himself to be faithful. The way he does this is always wonderful. He uses simple avenues such as this I stumbled on about 2 weeks a go. I just signed up and posted an ad for them. I forgot about them, thinking may be, they are like the Well, I decided to check on them today and I noticed that they are counting and crediting my account in a responsible manner. You can check them out for yourself  at
You have nothing to loss. If you like them sign up, if you don't leave. Merry Christmas in advance. Don't forget that the National December Retreat of the Deeper Life Christian Ministry starts today. Be there at the venue closest to you and be blessed. I will be at the Nyanya Region  Camp, @ DLBC behind AA Rano filling stations, Karu Road, Abuja. Pls be there at your own venue. God bless you.