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Friday 29 July 2016


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday slammed the U.S. for its reaction to a failed military coup attempt two weeks ago, accusing the country of harboring the man he says is responsible for the violence.
“Instead of thanking this government for thwarting this coup attempt, and for (maintaining) democracy, you are standing by the (plotters),” Erdogan said,according to the state-run Anadolu Agency.
Turkey continues to demand the U.S. extradite Fethullah Gülen, a cleric living in exile in Pennsylvania whom it accuses of being behind the coup attempt July 15 that left at least 290 people dead.
“The putschist (Gülen) is already in your country, you are looking after him. This is a known fact," Erdogan said. “You can never deceive my people. My people know who is involved in this plot, and who is the mastermind. With such statements, you are just revealing yourself. Turkey will not be duped.”
Serdar Kilic, Turkey’s ambassador to Washington, said last week that his country will accept a U.S. offer to work with the State and Justice departments on an extradition request for the Turkish cleric.
Secretary of State John Kerry said Turkey must provide evidence of Gülen’s involvement for a U.S. judge to consider any extradition request. Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said the extradition is “a very legal technical process.”
On Wednesday, Turkey ordered the shutdown of scores of media outlets, including three news agencies, 16 television channels and 45 newspapers, Andalou reported.
The state also formally discharged around 1,700 officers from the military and brought the Turkish Coast Guard under the control of the Interior Ministry.
The moves represent a further tightening of government control in the country.
Amnesty International said the crackdown and state of emergency imposed by Turkey far surpass responses made by other countries after an attempted coup. The human rights group said that raises concerns whether Erdogan is using the coup as a pretext to strengthen his hold on power, eliminate political opponents and curb the country's democratic tradition.
Kilic said that’s not the case. “All political parties are supporting the government,” he said.

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