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Sunday, 19 June 2016

#HappyFathersDay: Celebrating the day of the dad

Barack Obama, Malia Obama and Sasha Obama on sofaImage copyrightTHE WHITE HOUSE
Image captionThe White House, U.S. President Barack Obama and his daughters, Malia (L) and Sasha, watching television
Twitter has been inundated with heart-warming messages and "awww"-inspiring pictures honouring dads.
Here are some fuzzy ones from well-known personalities;
British television presenter Dan Snow posted a photo of himself at the back seat of a bicycle with his father Peter Snow at the wheel.
TweetImage copyright@THEHISTORYGUY
The current Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan told us how he planned to celebrate the day with his family.
US House Speaker Paul Ryan: Image copyrightPAUL RYAN
Journalist and broadcaster, Eamonn Holmes paid tribute to his late father in a tweet.
Image copyright@EAMONNHOLMES
The presumptive Democratic nominee for the US presidential race, Hillary Clinton, has just become a grandmother for the second time - her daughter Chelsea gave birth to her second child on Saturday. Mrs Clinton posted this picture of herself and husband Bill as parents when Chelsea herself was small.
Tweet from Hillary Clinton: Image copyright@HILLARYCLINTON
Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates is a top photobomber, according to his wife Melinda. Oh, and he's not a bad father either, she says.
Tweet from Melinda Gates: Image copyright@MELINDAGATES
Dad-dancing is often mocked, but not by actress Sharon Stone, who posted a picture of herself dancing with her father.
Tweet from Sharon Stone: Image copyright@SHARONSTONE
Retired footballer Rio Ferdinand tweeted this collage of photos.
Image copyright@RIOFERDY
But it wasn't all elation. For Muhammad Ali's daughter Hana, this was her first Father's Day without him - the iconic boxer and civil rights activist died last month, at the age of 74.
TweetImage copyright@RASHEDAALI
First Lady Michelle Obama shared a photo on Twitter of her with President Barack Obama and their two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
Tweet from Michelle Obama: Image copyright@FLOTUS
President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto paid tribute to his father on Twitter, writing, "Dad, thank you for everything. I embrace you with my heart, wherever you are."
TweetImage copyright@EPN
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also tweeted his family photos to mark the day.
Tweet from Justin Trudeau: Image copyright@JUSTINTRUDEAU
Finally, the actor, David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, seems to have a soft spot for his on-screen character.
Tweet from David Prowse: Image copyright@ISDARTHVADER
Produced by Nana Prempeh

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