But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Dan 1:8
Daniel, Shedrach, Messach and Abednego were brought into Babylon as Jewish captives by the army of Nebuchadnezzar from Judah. Providence had it that they were not killed but that divine favour did not stop even in the land of their captivity. I decree that regardless of where you are, the favour of God will no stop in your life in Jesus name. At the command of the King, the children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as have ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the chaldeans . V4; were selected. Going by the standard, making the list was a great honour and privilege. Yet, Daniel and these children purpose that they will not defile themselves. There are people who feels being privilege is an opportunity to be sinful. They said, godliness is for the poor and under privileged. Such have allowed the devil to brain wash them. Your wealth, privileges and opportunities are to be used to glorify God. They are meant to support you and others to live holily and righteously in this sinful world.
And so, on getting to the kingdom, they apportioned them the king's meat, food and drink. That appear innocent but not for the heaven bound saint of the most high God. The problem with the privileged food is that, every food, meat and drink of the king must first be dedicated to the idols of Babylon. Eating it implies yielding to the idol. Many times Satan present his temptations subtly. But no matter how he packaged it, we are to watch, detect it and overcome it. Lets consider three parts in this post:
1. DESCRIPTION OF THE KING'S MEAT. From the foregoing, Nebuchadnezzar typifies Satan, who can give you anything you wants in exchange for your soul. The food, meat and drink of Nebuchadnezzar represents the attractive, flashy but perishable pleasures and things of this world. Daniel and his pals represents the saints of today. So what are king's meat in these days?
a. Adultery and fornication; 1 Cor 5:2,9-10. These twin evil have been popularized and exalted by the devil among mentioned old and young. Across the world, fornication and adultery are seen as meer index of socialization. Those practicing it are seen as smart and sociable. That's the king's meat! Saints of God, flee from fornication and adultery. 1Cor 6:18.
b. Sodomy: this refers to lesbianism and homosexualism - the so called gay marriage. These were the twin sin of Sodom and Gomorha, upon which God rained fire and brime stone in Gen 19. Have you notice how the great presidents of the world are supporting it? Even canvassing for it and the nations that are refusing it are being threatened with withdrawal of foreign aids. Christians awake and watch. Meddle thou not with it, for it is the devil's portion.
c. Worldliness. Worldliness is to be like those who are not born again in dressing, mode of conversation, amusement and leisure, and general style and standard of life. It includes provocative dressing; the so called "dress to kill", immoral language, songs, musics and speech, sensual amusement and entertainments, Eph 5: 4-7, James 4:4 says "ye adulterers and adultresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. And no enemy of God will enter heaven.
d. Idolatry. In the past, people set up stones, carved sticks and sculptures and bow before them as their idols. But the devil has taken idol worshipping beyond that now. He knows that won't getting many today. He has set up modern idols such as love of money; being willing to do, sacrifice or do anything just yo hey money, entertainment,.music, cults, etc. What are the consequences of partaking in these king's meats?
Daniel's request was granted by Melzar. They were fed by pulse; the ordinary food for ten days. And at the end ten days, their countenance appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat, v15. Cowards die several times before their actual death. The other children which eat were worse of. They appear leaner. The best of Satan's gift will make you leaner, famished demoted in life and ministry. Children of God, you have nothing to gain from Satan and compromise but everything to loss.
Daniel and his friends knew better. God saw them through. If you decide to stand for righteousness, the Lord will stand by you . He will deliver you and crown you. The people of the world and compromisers will tell you all sorts of things but stand. When God begins to show himself strong in your life, they will come and plead for forgiveness and prayers from you. You ask, how can I stand? Well, an empty bag cannot stand erect. Therefore to be able to stand for righteousness in this corrupt and sinful world, you must do these
a. You must be born again. (The habitation of God).
b. Be sanctified and set apart for God.
c. Be filled with the Holy Ghost. He is the energizer of the saints.
d. Read the Bible and pray always.
You will overcome every form and portion of the king's meat and your life will never be the same again in Jesus name. Amen.
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