Change your style

Friday 20 September 2013


THE slothful (lazy) man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious. Proverb 12:27.
Last week,  we discussed procrastination as the bane of life's achievement. This week we are examining the causes, consequences and the way out of this monster of a habit.
To begin with, the causes  of procrastination include
a. Laziness: This is the first cause of procrastination mentioned or indicated by the the wisest man that ever lived - Solomon. Lazy or slothful people find it easy to have their way through procrastination. This way they silenced their supervisor or anyone assigned or trying to pressure them to accomplish the task.
b. Disorganization: Many people are not organized. They have many irons in the fire at the same time. This attitude, though might appear harmless albenitio have a way of beclouding and overwhelming people until nothing out of the many is done eventually.
c.  Lack of Time Table or To Do List: Many think time table stops with the school days. But think a little about it. If the school knew without it much will be undone, don't you  think that must be true for you. The simplest time table in form of to do list will go a long way to curb much procrastination. So begin each day with at least, a to do list.
The indisputable consequence of procrastination is the waste of time and lack of achievements. You see,  life is so short that from the moment you were born, we can calculate the number of seconds you have to live. The point is your life achievement is tied to your activity volume and your activity volume to time. By procrastinating, you reduce your activity volume.
What is/are the solutions to procrastination?
1. Realization: Realizing and accepting that procrastination is a monster to success is the beginning. Also, realizing that lost time come not back will keep you on the go.
2. Be organized: Create a time table and let it be workable.
3. Resolution:  Make up your mind not to be lazy and to leave what to be done now till a second later. If you need to read, read now. Just make "do it now" your motto and you will be a success.

Your life will not be the same again. God bless you.

You can check out this great resource for further help
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