Change your style

Friday, 9 August 2013


And the Words was made flesh, and dwell among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14 kjv.
Humans are gifted with one uniqueness. It's the ability to use word. This ability is shared by all. It's the basis for our relationship. No two people can relate without the use of words either spoken or printed. Words are the building blocks of life; we think in words, reason in words, infact,  your fulfillment in life and productivity depends on how many words you have in your word repertoir.
All we have and will have in life depends on our use of words.
Our text today says the Word was made flesh. About four years ago,  I read Robert Kiyosaki's Rich dad, poor dad, in which he noted his rich dad's interpretation of this. He said,  his rich  dad believes that whatever you say is that you will get. That is in perfect harmony with the Scriptures. If you will be saved from sin, it is by your words. Hosea 14: 2, says, take with you words,  and turn to the Lord: and say  unto him, Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously... You don't need to perish,  you don't need to risk hell and be doomed forever when it's so easy ! That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, thou shalt be saved Romans 10:9.
To be sanctified and holy is counted impossible by many. And, you will have what  you said,Mark 11: 23c, hence they are unholy.  And surely, without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Hebrews12:14. But you can be holy, just say holiness is possible and it's mine. Then come to Jesus with the words of request and ask in faith through earnest prayer.
Many are poor, in pain, prison and under pressure because of the negative use of their words. Their suffering is occasioned by their words and can be terminated even now by their words.  How? Repent sincerely before God and ask him for forgiveness, promising to use your tongue aright henceforth.
And the Word was made flesh and dwell among us. What a great conversion power!  From the realm of abstract  to reality, from the intangible to tangible, pain to pleasure and profit.  Your words have the power. Jesus said for by thy words, thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.Matthew 12:37.  Whatever the negative circumstances around you and your life, rise up in faith and command a change in Jesus name.
Why are words so powerful, especially those of the redeemed?
Look at John 1:1-5. Notice the Word is singular and starts with upper case letter  and HE was in the beginning with GOD..  apparently, this is Jesus.  The very word personified. Words are powerful because they are backed up by the Living Word--The Lord Jesus.
Now, you know the words in your mouth are powerful-They can make or mar, releases or restricts, and honours or horrifies you. Use them well to your advantage.
You will not be the same again. GOD bless you.

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