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Tuesday, 20 August 2013


And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf  fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence. Luke 16:26.

God always ensures a separation between his people and the others.
At creation, he symbolised this by separating the light from darkness, he did not want a mix up of the light and darkness. Christians are the light of the world. We are unique and cannot compromise with the dark practices of this sinful world. In Egypt, he placed his people in Goshen and fixed a separation between them and the plagues of Egypt, at the red sea, the angel of God and the pillar of cloud separated the Israelites and the armies of Pharaoh;  Exodus 14:19,20 and in the NT , Jesus said as the wheat is markedly separate and distinct from the chaff and the sheep from the goat, so are the disciples from the religious Jews; Matthew 13:24-30.
What are the implications of this?

1. A Gulf of Separation. The gulf Abraham spoke about had been in existence all through time or life. It is only visible to discerning minds. Do you observe that the rich man in hell was oblivous of it? The gulf is the separation that exists between
a. Sin and Saints: No sinner is a Christian and no Christian is a sinner. The Christian is called to a life of separation. From the moment of conversion through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ a  gulf of demarcation is placed invisibly between the new saint in Christ and the sin and sinful systems of the world. And so Abraham reminded him, the gulf that existed between them in the world is still here. Lazarus was holy, you were haughty, Lazarus was pious and pure but he was polluted, Lazarus' hope was in heaven from whence he expected his Saviour, his was in his riches. They were separate in their possessions in life and must surely be separate in eternity. Those who are not separate from sin today must not expect to be separate from hell in eternity.
b. Worldliness and the Worthies. The worthies are Christians which were not defiled by women (through immorality and any form of sexual perversions), that followed the Lamb where soever he goes (consecrated) , redeemed from all forms of sins, whose mouths are free from guiles and are  faultless. Rev 14:4,5. Does this describes you? Are you holy, harmless, separate from sinners, and made higher than heavens; who needed not daily sacrifices (repentance) as those high priests,  of old covenant?  Hebrews 7:26,27. If this will be your experience, you must be separate from worldliness. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Cor 6:17. There's a gulf fixed between the heaven bound Christian and the unclean thing - the unclean clothes, words, languages, character, recreations and leisures. Come out from among them. Pastors and " men of God" who have the worldly public motivational speakers as role model, will you take warning? The world killed your Lord, Jesus Christ and you can not  befriend the world and Jesus.
c. Light and darkness: The world lieth in darkness/wickedness1John 5:19, but he that is begotten of God keeps himself from all the  wickedness and the evil one touch him not. V18.
2. Protection: Between us and hell, there is great gulf fixed so that there is no link between us and the wicked powers from hell. A sincere child of God need not fear witches and wizards because there is a permanent fixed gulf between you and them such that no matter how they desire to hurt you, they can not do it. Praise the Lord, you are protected in Jesus name. If you are not born again, you are open and defenseless. But you can run to Christ now and repent genuinely and you will saved.
3. No Purgatory: This verse reveals the fallacy of purgatory.  There is no such intermediate place between heaven and hell. It's either heaven or hell. Jesus who narrated this story knows better than  all men put together. Everything he told us in the Bible are exact. He said, If it were not so, I would have told you. John 14:2.
Heaven and hell are real,  If you miss heaven, you will surely not miss hell. But thank God, you are  reading this blog today. You still have opportunity to turn to Christ Jesus for salvation, consecration and holiness. Call upon him now in earnest prayer of faith and he will accept. Pray now in Jesus name.

If you have done this sincerely,  join a Bible believing church and continue to follow the Lord. We will meet in heaven. In case, you do not know any Bible believing church, please locate any Deeper Life Bible Church and join them. God bless you. Your life will not remain the same.

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