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Friday, 12 July 2013

The Way Up

He that humbleth himself shall be exalted but he that exalted himself shall be abased; Luke 18:14 . This Scripture gives a powerful secret that many have overlooked to the detriment of their elevation in life and ministry. As we know most words of Christ sound so simple and yet very profound in it's effect. The above statement exempts no one neither is it constrained by any boundary or barriers.  It is a universal law that affects all and sundry. Hear him as he boldly but calmly with the weight of divine authority lay it out....He, that could be any body, high or low, poor or rich,  popular or unpopular,  educated or illiterate,  man or woman,  black or white, that exalts himself or herself shall be abased.  Self promotion is the norm in today world. We hear statements like" if you have got it then flaunt it". In other words, if you are beautiful, dress nudely to show your endowment,  if you are rich, oppress the poor and show them why they are not qualified to live, the intelligent should defraud the unsuspecting and so on.

But the divine stance remains if you desire elevation then you must humble yourself first. There's no such thing as a proud Christian. Jesus shocked his disciples one day in Matt 18:3,4..And said, verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall HUMBLE himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Well then, if you want to climb up in life and enjoy the favour of God, humble yourself. If you want a stress free life be humble. If you want to enter heaven at last,  repent from sin and learn to walk humbly with thy God.
The words of Christ are verifiable. Those who went against it were abased in the Bible. Nebuchadnezzar - Dan 4:28-32, was demoted from royalty to seven year ruin,  James and John in Luke 9:56-56, earned divine rebuke and delay  attainment to anointing, Herod, was not that lucky,  he died while displaying his pride in Acts 12:20-23. Dear, pride goeth before destruction but with the humble is life.
INDICATORS help us to check for the presence of substances. In case you are unsure whether or not you are a victim of this giant killer - pride,  check this:
a. How frequently do you use these pronouns my, I, I will, etc
b. What forms the basis for your pursuits? Is it to compete with others and out wit them or just your quest to actualise a dream?
c. Salvation.  If you are not genuinely converted, you will be proud. Jesus in you is the such of humility and freedom.
IF you are in the web of this monster,  you might be asking what's the way out?
1. Humility - it is to own all you have with the consciousness of none of them. See yourself as a steward (keeper ) not owner. 1 Cor4:7. You see all you have as sincerely and seriously God's own and therefore give
God glory not arrogating it to yourself.
2. You repent genuinely.  Many don't see pride as a sin that will damn their soul. But the truth is the proud are heading to he'll. So humble yourself and repent.
3. Resolve to be humble henceforth and consciously humble yourself.
4. Read the Bible and pray often for grace to be humble.
As do this, by His grace I will see you there.

God bless you. Your life will not be the same again in Jesus name. Amen.

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You will surely experience God in a new and exciting way. God bless you.

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